Thursday, 28 January 2010

heres a thought ....

From BBC NEWS .... Muslims attack silence over anti-Islamic hostility

"There is growing disenchantment at the government's "lacklustre response" to rising anti-Islamic hostility, the Muslim Council of Britain has said."

mmm .....maybe, just maybe ... if the muslim council of britain spent more time denouncing the radical parts of its own people the planned Wooton Bassett March , then there WOULDN'T BE A RISING TIDE OF ANTI -ISLAMIC HOSTILITY !!!!

Just a thought ....

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

The Saga of our Water leak part 2

to continue the story .....

Miracle of Miracles the Water board guys turned up the FOLLOWING day ...Hurrah!!

UNFORTUNATELY ..the stop tap that had been located turned out to be a GAS stop tap..Doh!!!

SO we have a hole in the pavement outside and water is still pouring in to the wash house .....

then a stroke of luck .. while digging up the gas stoptap the water engineers also decided to unearth next doors water stoptap from its tarmaccy grave while they were at it ..this gave the water inspector access to that tap and she came back to try it ...

WONDER OF WONDERS ..the water to both houses stopped ...WHOOPEE now we can call the plumber back in :)

he arrives later that day ..and fixes original leak ..YES!! ......

UNFORTUNATELY water is turned back on pipe below the fix fractures and a torrent of water sprays out at full pressure ....ARRGGHHH

Off goes the water AGAIN and the plumber calls his mate who specialises in fixing Lead pipework in ....

2 hours later said friend arrives ... "oh shit says he" on seeing the mess .. OK were gonna have to dig the pipe out to fix it ....

Net result ...

Water leak fixed ....HOORAY !!! :)

BUT.... we now have a large hole in the floor of the washhouse ....Doh !!

Ah well at least the room is no longer flooding :)

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

The Saga of our Water leak part 1

Hello Friends, heres some more misfortune for you to share with us along with a timely warning ....

The story

About a week ago the cold feed pipe to our washer developed a leak sending blessed H2O spurting everywhere in the washhouse, no problem you may think turn off the water and call a plumber ....

Ah ... for some unknown reason the washhouse water is not on the same circuit as the main house ..its a completely independant feed ....

No problem you say, the plumber can turn the water off at the main stoptap in the street ....

Ah .. for some unknown reason the council have tarmaced over the stoptaps

No problem you say ..ring the council

Ah ... it is 3pm on a Saturday afternoon ..I ring the council emergency line to be greeted by the usual robot ... "Were sorry but the council offices are now closed, our hours of business...etc etc." THIS IS THE EMERGENCY LINE FOR F**KS SAKE ARRRRGH

meanwhile the water continues to pour into the washhouse.. it is now about 2 inches deep ....

Monday arrives after a frantic weekend of mopping tryin to keep the water level down and off I trot to the council office ...

The inspector will be with you TOMMORROW !!!

Tuesday arrives ... our insurance assessor arrives to view the damage, no sign of the council bloke yet ....


besides .. you've located the stoptap whoopee we still cant get at it and the water level continues to rise ...

WEDNESDAY .. and the Water inspector arrives, locates the stoptap and attempts to unearth it ...UNFORTUNATELY is embedded in a lot of tarmac so they will have to get their street gang to unearth it ..

How long will that take?

Because of the weather we are dealing with a lot of this .. it could take up to 90 days .....


to be continued ........

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Ah the blessed DSS (part 1 0f many)

Never in the field of human conflict have so many been pissed off by so few ....

The DSS (Department of Social Security) or as they are most commonly known "Dole Nazis" is a place of contradictions ...

on the one hand we have Government ministers who complain about the millions in unclaimed benefits out there, on the other there is the plain and simple fact that the DSS staff are not allowed under their rules to tell you about these benefits !!!

so.. if ya dont know about em, you cant claim em - screwy eh?

but it gets worse ...

Under new rules claimants can only work 15 hours 59 minutes in a week ...

unless you are an unemployed rocket scientist it is impossible to make up your benefits for the week by doing this many hours so why bother?

great way to encourage people back to work that is ...

oh and if you work over 15 hours 59 mins in a week , then you have to sign OFF benefits ... then when the temporary contract ends you have to resign on .. and be without money for 8 weeks while the glacial slowness of the paperwork is processed

so any extra money you may have earned PLUS a substantial extra is gone before you receive benefit again

so thats another great incentive to take temp work aint it?

and under their new advertising (why advertise a government service that is purely there to pay benefits to people anyway?) .. we the people are "CUSTOMERS" - say what now ? - a customer CHOOSES to enter a premises and then spends money in return for goods or services ... a CLAIMANT ...HAS TO GO TO THE DSS , and RECEIVES money (and very little service)

more bastardising of the English Language, a point I will rant about at some future date ...

part 2 of this rant when I calm down


Thursday, 7 January 2010


from BBC News .....

Temperatures today .....

Moscow -6
South Pole -20
Woodford Aerodrome nr Manchester -18

its a bit nippy in the North West of England then :)

Touchscreen PC's

Is it just me .....or do others spend countless hours getting kids fingerprints off flat screen TVs, computer monitors etc, and what about your Mobile .. you make 1 phone call and you have to wipe the screen on your sleeve so you can see your stored videos and pictures ... now we have touchscreen PC's that encourage you to put your greasy fingers all over the screen .....what chance of a clear picture after that ???

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

The Owd Git across the road (non humour post)

This person seems to thrive on pissing off all his neighbours ..

what he did to us ... shopped us into the local planning dept during our build - with the result the building is half finished while we deal with masses of red tape .. and its gonna cost an additional £600 for planning permission and blueprints - meanwhile my motorbike and the trailers are outside rotting away when they could have been undercover during all this bad weather - ARRRRRGGH

Part One of my revenge .... he drove his car around our square yesterday - despite the fact he has no Driving licence .. and while carrying his little rat dog in his arms .. and going too fast while the kids were all out playing snowballs and making snowmen ...

Guess who got Photographic evidence of this and shopped him to the cops :)

Revenge is .... 1. Sweet
2. Best Served Cold
3. And not even started yet

oh and the kids all snowballed his house last night - much to my amusement :)

United States Redneck Special Forces (USRSF)

borrowed from my mate Mo. - via facebook was too good to let die in a single status update :)

The Pentagon announced TODAY the formation of a new 500-man elite fighting unit called the: United States Redneck Special Forces (USRSF)

These mostly Southern boys will be dropped off into Afghanistan and will be given only the following facts about the Taliban and terrorists:
1. The season opened today.
2. There is no limit.
3. They taste just like chicken.
4. They don't like beer, pickups, women, country music, or Jesus. ... See More
5. They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt.

The Pentagon expects the problem in Afghanistan to be over by Friday.
Applications are available at your local Wal-Mart sporting goods counter.

PPL are stupid #2

PPL are stupid #2 .... Winter is 3 months long, assume worst case scenario 31 days per month, it would make sense to acquire 93 days worth of grit ... I mean it rock salt for gods sake, its not like its gonna "go-off" if ya dont use it !!! :)

People are stupid #1

for when looking back ...this post written when the North West of England was under about a foot of snow .....

People are stupid #1 ..... you cant get your 4x4 off your driveway because of the snow and you whinge about your delivery being 15 mins late

the worlds rarest element

Scientists have discovered the rarest element on earth ...COMMONSENSEIUM ..this extremely rare element only occurs naturally in 1% of the population and is easily destroyed by Alchohol or by contact with ANTI-COMMONSENSIUM which unlike its namesake is more common than air .....:)

1st post ...and here we go with the rants :)

From the BBC quote from the ppl concerned ..."there is no evidence of the WIDESPREAD force feeding by tube of elderly ppl in care homes" ..... so correct me if I'm wrong ...they are not DENYING it goes on then :)