Tory Genocide 2.0 ..we've worked the kinks out now .. or put another way, they have taken all your appeal rights away, cut funding to the only people that could help you and passed the buck down to an already overstretched department ... don't believe me ? on
Thanks to the Ilegal site for this one at the bottom of page
The DWP has already worked out how to
say 'NO' to your PIP claim!.....
Can you believe this?...
An eagle eyed ilegal member has obtained a leaked letter sourced from the DWP which shows how eager they appear to be in breaking the bad news to thousands of vulnerable and disabled potential Personal Independence Payment claimants that they won't be getting a single penny....
On the side of caution we've pipped them to the post by safely downloading the letter before it disappears from where it currently appears on the DWP's internet at this address . We've replicated the opening paragraph of the callous 5 page letter which the DWP is plotting to sending out to what will be many bitterly disappointed claimants....
Here it is:
Mr David Smith
18 Blackpool Road
Warbreck House
Warbreck Hill Road
Telephone: 0845 0850 3322
Textphone: 0845 601 6677
07 January 2013
Personal Independence Payment
Your Personal Independence Payment Decision
Dear Mr Jones
Thank you for your claim for Personal Independence Payment.
I’ve considered all the information about your conditions and how they affect you as identified in:
• the "How your disability affects you" form
• the information provided by the health professional consultation report
• the information provided by Jobcentre Plus
I’ve decided you’re not entitled to Personal Independence Payment from XX Month YYYY I realise you have a disability or health condition and receiving this decision isn’t the news you were hoping for.
letter continues here -
The DWP gears up to the next generation of 'computer says no' letters....
The letter sent out to a mythical & unlucky 'Mr David Smith' from a heartless DWP decision - maker who proudly puts the name 'Mrs Sarah Smith' to the 'bad news' letter was apparently drafted on the 7th January 2013; well before the new Personal Independence Regulations come in to effect on the 8th April 2013.
It is notable that the letter only makes mention of information coming from a 'healthcare professional consultation report'; a strong indicator that the DWP will ONLY be considering more of the same highly controversial computer based evidence reports from the DWP's contracted healthcare assessors, principally Atos healthcare who have won a £400 million pound contract (alongside Capita) to assess claimants for the new payment.
The DWP notifications also informs the claimant that they will no longer be able to go straight to an independent tribunal to have the decision overturned; instead they will have to wait for the DWP to consider the claim again - a process which could take many months as no statutory time limit is applied to the hard pushed department who are already struggling to cope with thousands of Employment & Support Allowance claims as part of the government's mass reassessment of over 2.6 million incapacity claims. the new legislation is introduced to coincide with serious cut backs in funding to advice agencies who previously assisted benefit claimants with soon to be abolished state funded help in dealing with what are often highly complex disability claims.
Is it really any wonder that the disabled live in absolute fear when the DWP's mindset is so obviously focussed on refusing them their benefits before anyone has so much has even made a single claim?
Read more:
I did warn you this was coming, keep sleeping oh you happy sheep because they are coming for you and yours once they've solved the "disabled problem" with their new updated for the new millenium "Final Solution" , the Nazis march on
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