My blog of late has been taken over by justifiable anger over whats happening in my native land, but just for relaxations sake today I thought I would get you all caught up on what is happening to the TV shows I recommended to you in earlier posts ... One snapshot review coming up ...strap in, here we go ...
ARROW going from strength to strength with a superb cast and an intiruiging and engaging storyline
Renewed for a second season and justifiably so
keep up the good work 8/10
**** my Dad says stayed strong througout its run with no duff episodes but poor ratings conspired to kill off the show, it was always gonna be an uphill struggle for this show
Killed off .... a pity
Good while it lasted 7/10
Boss kept up the multilayered storyline well but struggled to maintain viewer interest, great performances from a good cast and strong writing do not guarantee sucesss
Another one bites the dust ...
It was hard going but worth the effort 7/10
Castle has just begun its 5th season run in the states and shows no sign of loss of quality, Fillion and Katic remain as engaging as ever and as with all long running series the supporting cast are coming into their own and becoming real people
Long may it continue and a fairly certain renewal coming
Still Quality TV 8/10
Last Resort .. The pilot was rubbish and the series did not improve from the poor start, whichever exec commissioned a full series run of this shite after even reading the pilot script let alone seeing the pilot should be let go in the interests of quality TV
Cancelled thank god
Worst show ever ? .. no but it was pretty close 1/10
The Mob Doctor .. started promisingly and had potential but seemed to lose its way a bit mid season and then the focus of the series changed and too many ideas were thrown into the mix, a pity because it was an intriguing premise let down by poor writing
Cancelled ... a mercy killing if ever there was one
A shame but the actors did well with what they had 5/10
Vegas .. If you are tuning into this expecting a gritty "Sopranos" style mob drama your gonna be disappointed, having said that its an engaging series with two strong leads and a great support cast that is more than a pleasant way to kill an hour or so
Renewed for a second season .... Good it deserves it
An enjoyable show to watch, doesn't tax your brain but then again, its not trying to 8/10
The Big Bang Theory, I expressed doubts about the new run of this series in my earlier post ... I should have had more faith in the writers and cast, after a shaky start the season took off running and was as funny as ever, the dynamic has changed with the marriage of Howard but thankfully they have started to play down the Raj is gay bit, just throwing little gems our way about once an episode now.
A Certain Renewal as its the second highest rated show in the states
Keep up the good work guys and gals 8/10
Chicago Fire.. Like Vegas before it this show is a pleasant way to while away an hour of good TV, the cast is good they have multi overlapping storylines that arc throughout the season and its well acted, however its ratings mean that its on a decision at the moment
Will the Axe fall ? we can hope not this show deserves a second season
Solid effort 8/10
Justified .. just starting its 4th season run in the states this great series seems to be picking up speed, they have adopted the "villan of the season" formula that works so well for other series and its not a bad thing it gives an entire season for the story to build rather than trying to establish, tell the story and conclude it in an hour. Strong cast and writing should see this series survive for another year
A Fairly certain renewal ... thank god
An improving series 8/10
Nashville .. The pilot of this series surprised me by being such quality and I am pleased to report that the quality has not fallen during the first season run, in fact this show improves week to week, the 2 leads are superb, the supporting cast have their own storylines and it all ties together well.
Renewed for a second season .. a critical and commercial hit, that dont happen to often.
Great show, if they keep up the quality writing it should run for a while 9/10
NCIS- LA the spinoff show of a spinoff show thats generating yet another spinoff... yep this series is doing so well that this season they are gonna try and spin off another series from it.. that maybe stretching the idea a bit far but hey it worked for CSI ... didn't it ?
Not only renewed but heathily breeding :)
A solid and enjoyable show with a great cast and writing 8/10
The Newsroom ... quality TV with a great cast and superbly incisive writing lets hope they keep up the quality in season 2, this is the only series that can possibly prevent Nashville scooping all the plaudits come awards season.
RENEWED ...currently filming the second season
Superb TV 9/10
Hawaii 5-0 .. a remake thats better than the original ? betcha it is, like Vegas and Chicago Fire its not trying to be earnest TV its just a great way to pass an hour, the cast are excellent the writing superb and the locations .... wow aint Hawaii pretty :)
Currently Airing and certain for renewal methinks
Great show 8/10
Sons of Anarchy ... I've saved the best for last, this show continues to get better and better season 5 was bloodier and more raw than ever as the story builds towards what must be one hell of a finish
The network have such faith in this show that they allowed the last 3 episodes in the season to be extended to 90 mins to flesh out the story and good on em for that
RENEWED ..Currently filming season 6
Superb series, great cast deserves every award going but due to the subject matter will probably scare off the awards voters ...a pity ....10/10
Hope you enjoyed this brief respite, probably back to the bile tomorrow, we cant go a day without those B**stards trying something.....
JD :)
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Lets lighten the tone a touch shall we ?
mm lets examine this article and the statements made shall we ?
Mr Bercow said that MPs “resent” moves by independently wealthy party leaders like the Prime Minister to prevent increases in their pay, currently £65,738. Trying to block rise would not be “terribly clever or brave”, he said.
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority is considering MPs’ pay. Submissions to its review by MPs suggest that members believe their salaries should rise by a third to more than £86,000.
The Speaker made the comments at a Westminster reception last week. The Daily Telegraph has seen a record of his remarks.
Mr Bercow said that Ipsa should be left alone to decide on any pay rise for MPs without “interference” from the Prime Minister and other party leaders.
In the past, he suggested, party leaders have tried to score political points by promising to give up pay rises or other benefits.
OK so this gentleman along with quite a few of his MP colleagues believes that MPs are underpaid at £65K a year PLUS EXPENSES, PLUS SUBSIDISED TRAVEL, PLUS MEAL ALLOWANCES,
It sticks in my craw a bit ...but lets let that stand as is for a moment and read on ....
In 2011, Mr Cameron ordered Conservative MPs to vote against a 1 per cent pay rise recommended by an independent review. He has also told ministers to waive pay rises.
Such sacrifices are meaningless to leaders with private wealth and Government salaries, but painful to rank-and-file members, Mr Bercow said.
“I think I'm entitled on behalf of the great majority of my colleagues who are just on an ordinary backbencher's salary to say that there must be automaticity about it,” he said. “When Ipsa decides what the rise -- no rise, or low rise, or high rise -- should be, it should take effect immediately, and the party leaders mustn't do what they’ve always done."
He added: “The generals have always abandoned the troops and engaged in a Dutch auction to appease the public by saying ‘Well of course, I won't take a rise, I will tell my colleagues that they shouldn't take a rise'."
Awww poor babies cant manage, they are on poverty level wages, though the point about independantly wealthy leaders is a valid one
When Ipsa takes control over MPs’ pay, Mr Bercow said he would appeal to Mr Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband “not to feel the temptation to interfere.”
The Speaker also highlighted the privileged background of leaders, including Mr Cameron, which he suggested allowed them to make gestures over their pay without feeling any personally financial pain.
“I do think there is some historical resentment that party leaders who either had a higher salary by virtue of their office or who have had access to other sources of finance…have been very quick to tell ordinary MPs what they should and shouldn’t be paid,” he said.
“When you’ve got other means from whatever source, it’s quite easy to do that and I don’t think it’s terribly clever or brave."
Mr Bercow’s remarks may be welcomed by backbench MPs, but are unlikely to ease his strained relations with the Prime Minister and other Conservative ministers.
Lets cut all Expenses (except travel), cap MPs pay at the current level and ban them from holding outside directorships or other interests for as long as they are a sitting MP, maybe if they start to feel some of the pain they inflict on others they would be less cavalier about passing damaging legislation ....
What would or could the MPs do about this ? ....would they go on strike ?
JD :)
Monday, 28 January 2013
DONT Take my word for it ..just read watch and learn
I'm gonna dial back a little on the shock horror language on this post
Only because it speaks for itself ....
Tonight at 20.30 (28/01/13) BBCs Panorama programme will be hopefully revealing the same truths to you as I have been telling you for months ... despite the Beebs shamefull silence on the matter over the past 2 years it appears that enough people have died or been affected by this that even they cannot ignore it anymore (still not a problem shared by the Daily Mail or the Sun btw)
We shall see....
As the Title of this post suggests though I'm not gonna repeat my story, I'm going to let others tell theirs via just one single comment area on one post on a social networking site (I could have just as easily picked a letters page from an online version of a newspaper)
Th******d F*******r
Its bloody insane. I've been fighting this crappy system for 3 years and I've
met people who don't believe what its like and assume that there are people
out there pretending to be ill to claim benefits.
G. Haney
You'd think letters from specialists would be all you needed, i was shocked,
but never again
A. Povey
People don't seem to want to realise whats going on until they experience the
horrific treatment at the hands of Atos.
S. Emmerson
So much for David Cameron stating the sick had nothing to fear what a lie,
you are advised to go to Atos with as much evidence as possible the rules
state they have to take notice of this evidence but the reality is they do
not, any decisions made DWP state they prefer to take the evidence from
probably a 20 minute assessment with an Atos health specialist whom is
usually a nurse how can they possibly know everything about all different
types of illnesses impossible even your own GP does not understand everything
hence they send you to specialists. DWP do not take any notice of GP letters
it is rigged to make sure everyone is fit for work, only a slim chance of
ever being found otherwise with so many things stacked against you. When will
all this get exposed as a sham.
G. Smith
I pay my taxes for all the usual reasons, an important one is the belief that
I will be looked after when my body fails me, so i pay tax to support others,
who, through no fault of their own, become ill, do not fully recover and need
support for the rest of their days. I find it appalling that people I know who
I believe to be extremely unfit for work, are being sent to look for work and
it might even kill them!! This is fascism as well as all the other awful
inhumane things it stands for, keep fighting Atos, we are already on a slippery
slope as a society, sick people being victimsied must be stopped!!!
M. Hockaday
I honestly don't think that it is a case of not listening, more of one knowing
how much faith we have in doctors/consultant and believing that right is on our
side. Pity Cameron and the rest of them weren't! Sad to say Sue, the British
public or anyone else doesn't give a jot. It has been shown as a scam. One
death caused by this is one too many but it happens time and time again.
There's no jobs for able-bodied people never mind us. God help us, 'cos no-one
else will.....
S. Horn
I think these people just believe that it can't be happening the way we say it
is.Its not that they're brainwashed,just that whats happening IS unbelievable.
Then when we try to tell them they're too scared to believe it and need to
convince themselves that it must only apply to those who were false claimants,
its too awful to consider anything else.The truth is too horrible to accept for
as long as they can avoid doing so.
ATOS are telling people that their own GP's aren't able to
assess whether their patients are fit for work and yet they are?! Of course
they think they know better, they would. they have the full backing of the
government and a huge monetary contract to support their bull. It is sick.
I wouldn't mind so much if they were even a company thats speciality was
health care but to leave the lives and safety of the British down to a company
that clearly has a backwards agenda is so wrong and irresponsible. I cant
believe what this country are doing to their own any more. and cant believe
that the Great British public are just sitting by and accepting it. to be
driving the sick, vulnerable and already dying into spending their days,
sometimes their last days as we all know, worrying and fretting over how they
are going to manage to eat, heat, even have somewhere to sleep, is one of the
most disgusting things I have ever experienced. I am having to chase my appeal
being received as I have been doing for 7 days now and will be calling
endlessly tomorow too and the way they are "conveniently" losing peoples
original documentation etc is just another way of blocking people from getting
what they are entitled to and are in desperate need of.
when will the people of the UK see exactly what is happening here?!
W. Lozinska
it really is unbelievable how the sick and disabled are being treated here;
people are going to get a very nasty shock when it happens to them.
T. Fowler
Most people don't care because it doesn't have any impact on their lives but
they are only a accident or acute illness away from this nightmare, the scary
thing is the total lack of empathy which is encouraged by the government. A
British government turning its own people against each other is grotesque
K. Todd @G. Smith...
It's so nice to read that someone with no current health conditions understands
what those that do are having to deal with and that it is possible they might
be in the same boat some day.
To most working people, we on benefits are just spongers and scum. They don't
understand how difficult the application process is now and how yes, it's
helping to stop the 'benefit cheats', but it's also making life extremely
difficult for those with genuine health issues. The stress of the whole
situation is like nothing I've ever experienced before.
So G*****... Thank you for being one of the few that understand what's happening
. It gives me hope that people like myself won't always be hated for a situation
that really isn't in our hands
To finish someone had made this brilliant video, its ironic, funny and far far too close to the truth for comfort
this is EXACTLY how ATOS twists your own words to use them against you ....
If this post has opened your eyes just a little then please read "The Spartacus Report"
It will break your heart
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Just one true story
I would like to share with you one ladies story ....
Jeannie Susan Armstrong
I just discovered a whole load of messages of support and offers of help from readers here in my 'other' message inbox- I just wanted to say a big thankyou to you all. I became officially homeless and destitute on the 8th Jan. So I've lost my family home and then subsequently a rental home. A total income of £60 per week is not sufficient to run a home of any description, let alone support myself,... a dog and cat and three daughters at uni! I'm now sofa surfing which is most odd as a 51 year old lady who has always ran my own home. My possessions are in two garages costing me £ 110 per month. I'm selling things on ebay to pay for the storage. The hardest thing is people I imagined were friends for over 20 years doing absolutely nothing to help me while sitting in their very comfortable homes. I founded a charity for the homeless 22 years ago and next week I've managed to get one of my street homeless chaps an interview at a rehabilitation centre- so I'm still contributing to society despite my circumstances. Two of my girls graduate this year then that will be three of them through uni and well on their way.
The great news is that after 51 years of chronic poor health and losing everything is that my daughter identified a couple of months ago that I'm a Coeliac and it was gluten that was poisoning me for a half a century! So as someone who felt close to death I now am improving and will survive after all. I must say that the fear of being homeless and losing a family nest is worse than the reality. The worse part is the realization that people you thought were close friends don't seem to care very much and won't help you if they can help it. And suddenly homelessness officials expect you to jump through hoops that you can't possibly jump through. It's all a bit twilight zone. It's hard not being able to provide a family home for my daughters- I had to make the youngest homeless at 17. But God is good and I have a diagnosis and people who will let me stay with them for now. And if I end up on the streets I will try and make lemonade out it- It will handy access to the other street homeless and helping them at least! Thanks again to all and God bless you
It cant happen in this country in 2013 ? at least this inspirational lady is still ALIVE unlike over 10,000 others attacked by this government and its policies ...
I had a heated discussion the other day with a chap who agreed with the policies that are being brought in, I understand somewhat his point of view as before this current crop of Nazis got into power I was the most apolitical person ever ... but once your eyes are opened and the truth seeps in, only a complete bastard (or a Tory politician) would try and deny it ....
I shall continue the fight to open peoples eyes to the danger these people represent..
oh ...and heres some more "inconvenient truths" for you all to digest in case you still dont think they will hit you in the pocket sooner or later ....
Coalition puts the squeeze on benefits and wages
Monday, 21 January 2013
I did warn you all what these buggers were up to .... but even I didn't think they'd be stupid enough to publish it in plain English ....
so here it is with the relevant points highlighted and my comments in Yellow
From the DWPs own press release .....
21 January 2013 – Government to help workers boost their earnings
Part-time workers could receive monthly statements telling them how much better off they would be if they increased their hours when the Government simplifies the benefits system.
They could also be sent texts telling them how working more hours or getting better paid work would leave them quids in when Universal Credit begins to be rolled out later this year.
And an online calculator could allow claimants to find out within seconds how much better off they would be from boosting their hours.
These are some of the ideas being considered as to how the Government can help low paid workers to increase their hours or move into better paid jobs under Universal Credit, Ministers said today, as they called for people to contribute other initiatives which can then be piloted.
Universal Credit will replace six different benefits and make sure work always pays by ending the current system which leaves some low paid workers worse off if they extend their hours.
For the first time Jobcentre Plus will be working with people already in work, and those part-time workers who are able to increase their earnings will be expected to take action to do so to make them less reliant on benefits - for example by looking for more hours or better paid work with their current employer, taking an extra job or finding a new job with longer hours or higher pay.
Wow ... there it is in black and white ladies and gents .... if you are able to work more hours you will be EXPECTED to do so.
Minister for Employment, Mark Hoban, said:
This bit sounds good doesn't it ...heres the sting ....."At the moment too many people are trapped working 16 hours a week by a system which means there’s no point extending their hours because they’d be worse off."Universal Credit will mean you’re always better off in work, so we want to find the best ways to help people increase their hours and boost their earnings so they no longer need to rely on benefits."
Currently workers who claim tax credits or housing benefit have no expectations placed upon them to help them reduce their reliance on welfare. Under Universal Credit, working claimants who could reasonably be expected to increase their earnings will be expected to take action to do so.
Theres that word again "EXPECTED" ..why dont they just say "Required under the threat of sanctions" that would be closer to the truth.
There will be around 1m people who could reasonably be expected to earn more but choose not to when Universal Credit is implemented fully in 2017. People who cannot work full time - whether for caring responsibilities, illness or because they cannot find a full-time job, will continue to receive support.
Lord Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform, said:
"Under Universal Credit we will expect claimants to do all they can to improve their life prospects and reduce benefit dependency, such as carrying out job searches to find better paid work or increasing the hours they work."Today we are calling on employment experts to work with us to develop and pilot innovative ways for claimants to meet their commitments in return for their benefit. Text messaging and access to an online 'better off' calculator are just some of the ideas so far."
Good luck with that ....
Friday, 18 January 2013
3 Months is a long time in Politics
This country is getting closer and closer to the above image each day, dont believe me do you ? ... "It cant happen here" you say (incidently just what the German people were saying in 1936)
OK lets be fair and examine the last 3 months and what the bastards in power and their cronies have been up to shall we ?
On the way we'll see how they are treating the disabled and disadvantaged, their attitudes to peoples problems and the deaths they have caused along the way ....
Lets start here shall we .... ATOS Death rate compared to Afganistan and Iraq
Horrifying reading and we've only just started .....
Remember this will you because she actually had the gall to try and justify it !!!
read on ....
The same week the first Food Bank opened in this country this information came to light as part of a freedom of information request
This stands on its own with no comment needed next came this information ... we'll come back to this in a bit Claimants 'tricked' out of benefits, says Jobcentre whistleblower OK its not politics per se, but it relates to the attitudes passed down from above and will open your eyes just that bit wider...
At this point in the procedings I posted the following to my facebook account .. at this point I didn't think it could get much worse (how Naive I was)
TIME FOR A REVOLUTION IN THIS COUNTRY ... but it will never happen and heres why ...
a revolt requires 3 things...1 a majority of the population angry with the system (OK we're all angry about something - but the whole system ?) ... 2. that self same population must care enough about people who are strangers to them to do something about it (for the past 30 years this attitude has been strangled out of the British by successive governments policies (look after number 1, I'm alright Jack, it only affects "scroungers").... and finally 3. a population that is armed and prepared to use it (if China invaded us tomorrow and promised to leave us the X factor, football and Lizzy in Buck House, then most people would do fuck all about it) ... but by all means enjoy the fantasy, the last 2 people to enter and leave Westminster with their honour intact were Cromwell (when he dissolved parliament causing the Civil war) and Guy Fawkes .
Says it all for the rich and no jobs for the boys ....
just how arrogant could this bastard be ? .. the above article was just the tip of the iceberg ... but with typical British Gallows humour it didn't take long for a response to appear .....
Then a GP waded in and made his thoughts public ...
At this point lets take a moment and pause to remember just 2 victims (of over 10.000 so far) of this "governments" (and I use the term loosely) policies .....
Christelle Pardo and Kayjah Pardo:
Christelle Pardo,32 and Kayjah Pardo 6 months, After having all her income cut off and
her housing benefit withdrawn, and with a baby to care for, she had been left destitute
. When she begged for help the only response from the DWP was that she didn’t qualify
under the rules,So she killed herself and her young child.
This is Britain under the Nazis currently in number 10 Downing Street, combine this
one story with the fact that Food Banks are springing up all over the country......
The Condem publicity machine went into overdrive from here to prepare the way for the next atrocity ...
But as always, David Cameron makes the whole thing sound terrifically exciting. Britain is in a global race, he told us. So were lots of other countries. Some would sink, and others would swim. So it's a global swimming race we're in
Moments later he said that he and Nick Clegg were the "sheet anchors of the coalition"
Remember Helen Grant MP ? here she tries to justify having that second house in London when her main one is only 19 miles from the city ....
"It often ended waiting for a taxi or ultimately making a dark walk home from Kingswood
station to her house down partly unlit roads."
mm so we are meant to believe that she cannot afford to run her own car on an MPs wages plus expenses et al. that would save her the walk from the station and the taxpayers thousands of pounds a year....
Having attacked the disabled and ill .. the unemployed and poorly paid were next on the hitlist ...
and lets not forget to widen the North-South divide shall we ?
lets lighten the tone a little shall we, I want you to finish reading this post so lets have a little laugh before getting back to the serious stuff ...
House of Commons breakfast menu.
How about this for an idea?
Set up a HoC Restaurant in every High St (plenty of empty shops) with the same menu and prices that our MPs enjoy.
People on benefits could almost afford to eat properly, it would create thousands of jobs, and if it's good enough to subsidise MPs on several times the national average wage
It might even go some way to addressing this little issue ....
Heres an interesting well written article breaking down the next steps in the Govts master plan ...
anyway the benefits cap at 1% passed the commons vote thus guaranteeing any family who receives ANY benefit at all (and that includes child benefit, working tax benefit and council tax benefit - see they are not just targetting the unemployed with this - its anybody thats low paid)
heres how they voted ....
anybody who voted "Yea" on this should examine their fitness as a human being let alone an MP
but it got far far worse ...after cutting benefits and freezing public sector pay this appeared....
a 32% pay increase for MP's .. it sent me into apoplexy on facebook .....
"everybody else gets clobbered and then this appears ..... you just couldn't make this up its beyond annoying, its even beyond sheer arrogance on their part .... I give up because if this doesn't sound a wake up call to the general public then you all deserve what you are gonna get.."
Then suddenly a lone voice in the wilderness cried out ? an honest MP ?
but the Tories were primed to reply ...
More recently ...information on future plans has come to light ...
First they came for the sick and disabled unfit to work (ESA), then they came for those sick and disabled struggling to work with support (PIP), then they came for the low waged (1% benefits rise), now they come for EVERYONE working. Everyone already in work will now be 'fit for work' when suffering temporary health problems
Still think I'm over-reacting do you ? ....go and read the Daily Mail and continue to bury your head in the sand then, dont worry unless you are a multi millionaire your turn will come and dont come crying to me when it does .....
and to finish .... you really couldn;t make this stuff up, its so ludicrous it beggers belief ...
JD :)
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