mm lets examine this article and the statements made shall we ?
Mr Bercow said that MPs “resent” moves by independently wealthy party leaders like the Prime Minister to prevent increases in their pay, currently £65,738. Trying to block rise would not be “terribly clever or brave”, he said.
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority is considering MPs’ pay. Submissions to its review by MPs suggest that members believe their salaries should rise by a third to more than £86,000.
The Speaker made the comments at a Westminster reception last week. The Daily Telegraph has seen a record of his remarks.
Mr Bercow said that Ipsa should be left alone to decide on any pay rise for MPs without “interference” from the Prime Minister and other party leaders.
In the past, he suggested, party leaders have tried to score political points by promising to give up pay rises or other benefits.
OK so this gentleman along with quite a few of his MP colleagues believes that MPs are underpaid at £65K a year PLUS EXPENSES, PLUS SUBSIDISED TRAVEL, PLUS MEAL ALLOWANCES,
It sticks in my craw a bit ...but lets let that stand as is for a moment and read on ....
In 2011, Mr Cameron ordered Conservative MPs to vote against a 1 per cent pay rise recommended by an independent review. He has also told ministers to waive pay rises.
Such sacrifices are meaningless to leaders with private wealth and Government salaries, but painful to rank-and-file members, Mr Bercow said.
“I think I'm entitled on behalf of the great majority of my colleagues who are just on an ordinary backbencher's salary to say that there must be automaticity about it,” he said. “When Ipsa decides what the rise -- no rise, or low rise, or high rise -- should be, it should take effect immediately, and the party leaders mustn't do what they’ve always done."
He added: “The generals have always abandoned the troops and engaged in a Dutch auction to appease the public by saying ‘Well of course, I won't take a rise, I will tell my colleagues that they shouldn't take a rise'."
Awww poor babies cant manage, they are on poverty level wages, though the point about independantly wealthy leaders is a valid one
When Ipsa takes control over MPs’ pay, Mr Bercow said he would appeal to Mr Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband “not to feel the temptation to interfere.”
The Speaker also highlighted the privileged background of leaders, including Mr Cameron, which he suggested allowed them to make gestures over their pay without feeling any personally financial pain.
“I do think there is some historical resentment that party leaders who either had a higher salary by virtue of their office or who have had access to other sources of finance…have been very quick to tell ordinary MPs what they should and shouldn’t be paid,” he said.
“When you’ve got other means from whatever source, it’s quite easy to do that and I don’t think it’s terribly clever or brave."
Mr Bercow’s remarks may be welcomed by backbench MPs, but are unlikely to ease his strained relations with the Prime Minister and other Conservative ministers.
Lets cut all Expenses (except travel), cap MPs pay at the current level and ban them from holding outside directorships or other interests for as long as they are a sitting MP, maybe if they start to feel some of the pain they inflict on others they would be less cavalier about passing damaging legislation ....
What would or could the MPs do about this ? ....would they go on strike ?
JD :)
I hope they accept a pay rise, and that the public backlash it causes rocks parliament to its core, greedy LTB's