Friday, 18 January 2013

3 Months is a long time in Politics

This country is getting closer and closer to the above image each day, dont believe me do you ? ... "It cant happen here" you say (incidently just what the German people were saying in 1936)

OK lets be fair and examine the last 3 months and what the bastards in power and their cronies have been up to shall we ?

On the way we'll see how they are treating the disabled and disadvantaged, their attitudes to peoples problems and the deaths they have caused along the way ....

Lets start here shall we ....    ATOS  Death rate compared to Afganistan and Iraq

Horrifying reading and we've only just started .....

Remember this will you because she actually had the gall to try and justify it !!!

read on ....

The same week the first Food Bank opened in this country this information came to light as part of a freedom of information request

This stands on its own with no comment needed

   next came this information ... we'll come back to this in a bit Claimants 'tricked' out of benefits, says Jobcentre whistleblower OK its not politics per se, but it relates to the attitudes passed down from above and will open your eyes just that bit wider...

At this point in the procedings I posted the following to my facebook account .. at this point I didn't think it could get much worse (how Naive I was)

TIME FOR A REVOLUTION IN THIS COUNTRY ... but it will never happen and heres why ...
a revolt requires 3 things...1 a majority of the population angry with the system (OK we're all angry about something - but the whole system ?) ... 2. that self same population must care enough about people who are strangers to them to do something about it (for the past 30 years this attitude has been strangled out of the British by successive governments policies (look after number 1, I'm alright Jack, it only affects "scroungers").... and finally 3. a population that is armed and prepared to use it (if China invaded us tomorrow and promised to leave us the X factor, football and Lizzy in Buck House, then most people would do fuck all about it) ... but by all means enjoy the fantasy, the last 2 people to enter and leave Westminster with their honour intact were Cromwell (when he dissolved parliament causing the Civil war) and Guy Fawkes .

Says it all for the rich and no jobs for the boys ....

just how arrogant could this bastard be ? .. the above article was just the tip of the iceberg ... but with typical British Gallows humour it didn't take long for a response to appear .....

Then a GP waded in and made his thoughts public ...

At this point lets take a moment and pause to remember just 2 victims (of over 10.000 so far) of this "governments" (and I use the term loosely) policies .....

Christelle Pardo and Kayjah Pardo:
Christelle Pardo,32 and Kayjah Pardo 6 months, After having all her income cut off and 
her housing benefit withdrawn, and with a baby to care for, she had been left destitute
. When she begged for help the only response from the DWP was that she didn’t qualify
 under the rules,So she killed herself and her young child.

This is Britain under the Nazis currently in number 10 Downing Street, combine this
 one story with the fact that Food Banks are springing up all over the country......

The Condem publicity machine went into overdrive from here to prepare the way for the next atrocity ...

But as always, David Cameron makes the whole thing sound terrifically exciting. Britain is in a global race, he told us. So were lots of other countries. Some would sink, and others would swim. So it's a global swimming race we're in

Moments later he said that he and Nick Clegg were the "sheet anchors of the coalition"


Remember Helen Grant MP ?  here she tries to justify having that second house in London when her main one is only 19  miles from the city ....

"It often ended waiting for a taxi or ultimately making a dark walk home from Kingswood
 station to her house down partly unlit roads."

mm so we are meant to believe that she cannot afford to run her own car on an MPs wages plus expenses et al. that would save her the walk from the station and the taxpayers thousands of pounds a year....

Having attacked the disabled and ill .. the unemployed and poorly paid were next on the hitlist ...

and lets not forget to widen the North-South divide shall we ?

lets lighten the tone a little shall we, I want you to finish reading this post so lets have a little laugh before getting back to the serious stuff ...

House of Commons breakfast menu.

How about this for an idea?

Set up a HoC Restaurant in every High St (plenty of empty shops) with the same menu and prices that our MPs enjoy.

People on benefits could almost afford to eat properly, it would create thousands of jobs, and if it's good enough to subsidise MPs on several times the national average wage


It might even go some way to addressing this little issue ....

Heres an interesting well written article breaking down the next steps in the Govts master plan ...

anyway the benefits cap at 1% passed the commons vote thus guaranteeing any family who receives ANY benefit at all (and that includes child benefit, working tax benefit and council tax benefit - see they are not just targetting the unemployed with this - its anybody thats low paid)

heres how they voted ....

anybody who voted "Yea" on this should examine their fitness as a human being let alone an MP

but it got far far worse ...after cutting benefits and freezing public sector pay this appeared....

a 32% pay increase for MP's .. it sent me into apoplexy on facebook .....

"everybody else gets clobbered and then this appears ..... you just couldn't make this up its beyond annoying, its even beyond sheer arrogance on their part .... I give up because if this doesn't sound a wake up call to the general public then you all deserve what you are gonna get.."

Then suddenly a lone voice in the wilderness cried out ? an honest MP ?

but the Tories were primed to reply ...

More recently ...information on future plans has come to light ...

First they came for the sick and disabled unfit to work (ESA), then they came for those sick and disabled struggling to work with support (PIP), then they came for the low waged (1% benefits rise), now they come for EVERYONE working. Everyone already in work will now be 'fit for work' when suffering temporary health problems

Still think I'm over-reacting do you ? ....go and read the Daily Mail and continue to bury your head in the sand then, dont worry unless you are a multi millionaire your turn will come and dont come crying to me when it does .....

and to finish .... you really couldn;t make this stuff up, its so ludicrous it beggers belief ...

JD :)

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