Saturday 3 April 2010

Bulldogs and other frustrations

For my troubles I work with a youth American football team ..

This started off relatively innocently when my stepson went to play for them and roped me in to give him a lift to training

From there it progressed to me becoming the official photographer for the team, and staying on when he became to old to play for them

Now here we are 3 years on and I am now ....

1. Official Photographer
2. Events Organiser
3. Merchandise organiser

It is job number 3 that is proving frustrating, trying to get funds to get this started from the club is like getting blood from a stone ... no strike that getting blood from a stone is easy compared to this :)

It is impossible to get the message across to the other coaches that in order to make money to fund the club, you first have to spend it - lol

After 3 weeks of toil I have secured some superbly cheap quotes for merchandise but the club will not release funds to order the goods .. they seem to be under the impression that we will only be selling to the players, this is despite the club website having a merchandise section and the fact I have already arranged a gazebo from which to sell the goods on game day ....which at this moment is useless because we have nothing to sell from it at the moment ...


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